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We offer a range of different One to One & Group sessions for you and your dog, so that you can make the most of the time you spend with us.

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A Higher Quality of Affordable & Effective Services.

Our commitment has always been to offering a complete service where we can create a significant lasting change to your dogs behaviour in a way that is affordable and effective - and put Relationship Based Training at the heart of everything we do. Many of our clients have already visited a number of other trainers who were unable to resolve the issues they were asked to help with, despite many weeks or months of sessions together, and having never being given a proper diagnosis of their dogs behaviour. We don’t think that’s fair, and that’s why we work differently. All of our training is done on the basis of a strong diagnosis, and high quality, proven practical training techniques that work to directly address those diagnosed issues. And Our Session Estimator lays out the most likely training process for the issues we work with, so you know what to expect ahead of time.

Not sure what session you need? Just Ask.

Book in for an onboarding call and tell us how we can help, or drop us an email.

Ultimately, great diagnosis and proper treatment saves time, saves money, and saves dogs lives.

The Puppy Behavioural Health Check.

Crate training? Check. Crazy puppy biting? Check. Nervous Puppy? Check. Just like a trip to the vets, but for your puppies behaviour instead.

Did we mention it’s free?